Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Officially, Golden Labrador Retriever Purebreds Do Not Exist

If you go leafing through advertisements for dog kennels, you can't help but notice the many that loudly proclaim that they breed golden Labrador Retrievers. And they do not mean a Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever mix (which are also known as Golden Labrador Retrievers). They mean a golden colored purebred Labrador Retriever. According to the various Labrador Breed Associations and national kennel clubs, Labs come in just three recognized colors – and golden is not one of them.

Suspected Scam

The only three recognized colors of purebred Labrador Retrievers are yellow, black and chocolate (which used to be called liver). There are many shades of yellow in yellow Labrador Retrievers. Some are so pale that they are called "white", even though their papers will call them yellow. The darkest shade of yellow is sometimes called "gold", but even the darkest golden Labrador Retriever will not compare to the luster of a Golden Retriever.

But, like PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute", and they will believe whatever they are told. If they are told that there is such a thing as a purebred golden Labrador, they will break open their wallets and buy one. Even when they can clearly see that the puppy's color is yellow, they think the "golden" label means "premium" and they will buy the so-called "golden Labrador Retriever" over the identical-looking "yellow Labrador Retriever."

Nothing Wrong With A Yellow Lab

If you do discover that your pricey "golden Labrador Retriever" is simply a yellow Lab, take heart. Your dog will still be loyal and comical and loving. Keep the dog. But by all means, complain to the Better Business Bureau about how the dog was represented. It would help if you had a copy of the original ad that lead you to the kennel and a copy of the contract. You did get a contract with your "golden Labrador Retriever", didn’t you? If not, there's ANOTHER thing to complain about.

If you go to a rescue shelter and see a dog listed as a purebred golden Labrador Retriever, the staff just made a common mistake. Don't rip into them about it – they are doing the best you can. You could write a thank you letter about how well you are getting on with your rescue dog and just casually mention that, officially, there is no such thing as a purebred golden Labrador Retriever. Once that is done, concentrate on building up a great friendship with your new Lab of whatever color.